Sunday, October 30, 2011

More Live Blogging From Chinglish

Silverman says part of the excitement of the show and part of the gamble is contained in the translation component of the show, Chinglish now on Broadway at the Longacre Theater. The show has subtitles and Silverman says many people leave the show actually feeling they can speak Chinese.
She says this is is unlike anything that's ever been done on Broadway.
What with all the interest in China as a world power Hwang says he thinks the timing for the play may be good but he says he writes the play that he likes to write and he doesn't worry too much about timing or similar factors.
Hwang also says he hopes that the play will contribute to greater cultural understanding and this has been an interest of his for a great time. He's delighted that a Asians and non-Asians are enjoying the play together and laughing together.

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