Wednesday, October 12, 2011

NJ Sen. Kyrillos: End Unused Sick Leave Payouts

New Jersey State Senator Joe Kyrillos (R- Monmouth/Middlesex) responded to reports that Jersey City will borrow to pay for more than $9 million in accumulated personal time and sick time this year by calling again for an immediate vote to end unused sick leave payouts for public employees:
“Today, we saw the clearest example yet of how the Democratic Majority’s refusal to enact meaningful sick leave reform is costing the taxpayers of New Jersey. Jersey City is being forced to pay $9 million in unused leave benefits, rather than controlling taxes and improving services is bad enough. Sick leave is not deferred compensation. It is not a retirement plan or a bonus- it is intended to be used as time off when an employee is sick. The Majority needs to recognize that we must end, not just cap, these payments and post the Governor’s conditional veto immediately.”
The amended version of, S-2220, which would change the retirees unused sick leave statute is now pending before the State Senate.

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