Saturday, October 22, 2011

Noonan Sees Romney Steady At The Core

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan sees President Obama as our bright but lost older brother and Mitt Romney as calm, steady and fatherly.
She correctly senses that Romney may very well provide what we need: a welcome unflappability amidst continued troubles ahead.
Here's an excerpt:
A big Romney virtue is the calm at his core. The word unflappable has been used, correctly, and that puts him in contrast to the incumbent, who often seems not so much calm as insensate. Sorry to do archetypes, but a nation in trouble probably wants a fatherly, or motherly, figure at the top. What America has right now is a bright, lost older brother. It misses Dad.
Mr. Romney's added value is his persona. He's a little like the father in one of those 1950s or '60s sitcoms that terrorized and comforted a generation of children from non-functioning families: Somewhere there was a functioning one, and it was nice enough to visit you on Wednesday at 8. He's like Robert Young in "Father Knows Best," or Fred MacMurray in "My Three Sons": You'd quake at telling him about the fender-bender, but after the lecture on safety and personal responsibility, he'd buck you up and throw you the keys.
Click here to read more.

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