Monday, October 10, 2011

Obama 'Alone, Detached, A Stranger In The White House'

Political columnist Richard Goodwin paints a picture of President Obama as a man alone -- isolated from most of the people on his own staff; non-communicative and detached from his own cabinet members and Democrat members of Congress. Goodwin's characterization is based on his own sources, some inside the White House,
It's a scary picture -- especially since Obama continues to rely on the Svengali-like Valerie Jarrett, a woman who operates behind closed doors and who continues to wield enormous influence on both the president and Michelle Obama. Another one who still seems to have Obama's ear is David Axelrod, the slick Chicago manipulator and spin doctor who cites Obama as his claim to fame,
Beyond that, nothing.
Anyway, here's an excerpt from the column:

The gist is this: President Obama has become a lone wolf, a stranger to his own government. He talks mostly, and sometimes only, to friend and adviser Valerie Jarrett and to David Axelrod, his political strategist.
Everybody else, including members of his Cabinet, have little face time with him except for brief meetings that serve as photo ops. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner both have complained, according to people who have talked to them, that they are shut out of important decisions.
The president’s workdays are said to end early, often at 4 p.m. He usually has dinner in the family residence with his wife and daughters, then retreats to a private office. One person said he takes a stack of briefing books. Others aren’t sure what he does.
Click here to read the entire column.

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