Thursday, October 6, 2011

Obama Brags About Anti-Catholic Law

President Obama bragged yesterday about abortion-mandate provisions in Obamacare -- a law that is both nefarious and onerous, imposing new government regulations that require health plans and health care institutions to cover sterilization, birth control and abortion.
Here's an excerpt from CNS News:
Bantering with the audience at a fundraiser in St. Louis yesterday, President Barack Obama bragged about a new regulation, proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services, that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has denounced as an “unprecedented attack on religious liberty.”
"Darn right!" an audience member at the fundraiser shouted as Obama described the regulation.“Darn tooting!” Obama said back.The proposed regulation, designed to implement part of Obamacare, will require all private health plans in the United States to cover sterilizations and all FDA-approved contraceptives--including those that cause abortions—without charging any fees or co-pay.
These regulations were drawn to implement a provision in Obama’s health-care law that calls for all health-care plans to cover “preventive services.”Combined with Obamacare’s mandate that all individuals must buy health insurance, the “preventive services” regulation would require all American Catholics to buy health care plans that pay for sterilizations, contraceptives and abortions--all of which violate Catholic moral teaching.
In his brazen arrogance, President Obama is calling in every leftist chit, pandering to every possible ally and desperately pitting group against group and polarizing the nation in an effort to get re-elected. The man who promised to bring us together is assaulting our freedom and pulling us apart.
As for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, they should have known this would happened. They should have spoken out more forcefully against Obama and his policies in 2008. Instead (and this is no surprise) Catholic leadership sent mixed signals during the last presidential campaign and many Catholics actually embraced the phony Obama agenda. Shame on 'em!

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