Saturday, October 8, 2011

'Occupy Wall Street' Tries To Explain Itself

We visited lower Manhattan today and had a chance to see the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd in action.
What we found was a bunch of aging hippies (leftover flower children from the 60s) and assorted malcontents.
But it was also clear to us that this "occupation" is very well-funded and quite slick. In fact, the occupiers have their own zippy, well-written and well-designed newspaper. The sheet is called The Occupied Wall Street Journal and it even steals the Journal's logo and some of the elements of the original, iconic newspaper's layout.
Nowhere in the Occupied Journal are publishers or editors listed nor does it say who's funding the operation. We wonder exactly where the funds are coming from. Is Move On involved? What about Acorn? Is George Soros one of the funders? And what about the unions? The Occupied Journal lists the steelworks union, AFSCME, the transport workers and several other unions among its supporters.
The occupiers say they have no list of demands because they make no demands of their oppressors. They feel that to give the powerful specific demands would amount to giving them options. They give them no choices, no specifics, no options. Instead, they seek to supplant all those who they feel wield power over them -- to set up an alternative society -- one that they believe will be more just, more equal, more free, more fair.
From their own publication, here's what the Wall Street occupiers say:
The goal to us is very, very clear. It can be articulated in one word - REBELLION. We have not come to work within the system. We are not pleading with the Congress for electoral reform. We know electoral politics is a farce. We have found another way to be heard and exercise power. We have no faith in the political system or the two major parties. . . . We know the economy serves the oligarchs. We know that to survive this power we will have to build non-hierachial communal system that care for everyone. . . .
What the elites fail to realize is that the rebellion will not stop until the coporate state is extinguished.
Well, there you have it.
Does that give you a better idea of what the protest is all about?

1 comment:


    A comprehensive guide to this "movement" and its players.

    See also: Working Families Party offering up to $650/wk to join Wall Street protests.

    Study up -- this is big.

    -Taqiyyotomist what posts at Gateway Pundit :D
