Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Role For Christie In Romney Campaign?

The Chris Christie endorsement of Romney is mammoth.
That's the only way that it can be described. Because Christie is a tremendous resource.
Yes, this is a huge breakthrough for the Romney campaign and it bodes well for Mitt as he heads into key primary battles. Bet on it.
You can bet as well that there will be a major role for Christie in the Romney campaign, if Christie so desires.
For, example, I can see Christie heading up Romney's education task force.
Or maybe Christie will serve as liaison to Governors who will endorse Romney -- heading up that group.
Or perhaps Christie will assume some leadership role in the area or taxes or eliminating government waste or consolidation or the jobs and the economy. Christie could be a leading player in crafting a new federalism policy for Romney & Co. -- for example, a program that scales back the federal government's role, gives more power to the states and unleashes private enterprise. Christie would be a natural in helping to eliminate federal regulations and guidelines.
And Romney would be foolish not to use Christie and reap the benefit of his talents.
Plus, Christie is an extraordinary campaigner and fund raiser. So, you've got to figure he's gonna be out on the hustings for and with Romney.
Whew! . . . .  Romney just hit the jackpot!

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