Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sixth-Grader Who Got Christie Advice Loses

Remember that sixth-grader who was running for class office and asked Chris Christie for advice?
Well, he lost.
This is not to say that Governor Christie didn't give the kid good advice. He did. The Governor gave him lots of good tips: Ask students for their votes; make nice posters and put them up everywhere; don't make promises you can't keep.
But sometimes even people with the best advice (and the most energy and the best intentions) still lose.
And no one knows this better than Christie himself.
In the mid 1990s, not long after becoming a Morris County freeholder, Chris Christie ran for a State Assembly seat and lost. Later, he indicated he might run for State Senate, then backed away.
And in 1997 Christie suffered the ultimate humiliation: He lost his freeholder seat when he was defeated in the Republican primary. Ouch!
Chris Christie knows what it's like to lose.
But Christie's not a quitter. So, he also knows the feeling of coming back and winning it all.
And I'm sure he'd encouraged any young politico to try, try again until you win.

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