Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs' Words Of Wisdom, Etc.

Steve Jobs was that rarity: A computer guy who could speak the everyday language of ordinary people. He made computers understandable and easily accessible to the masses.
Courtesy of Apple, here are some quotes -- words of wisdom from Steve Jobs:

"I was lucky to get into computers when it was a very young and idealistic industry. There weren't many degrees offered in computer science, so people in computers were brilliant people from mathematics, physics, music, zoology, whatever. They loved it, and no one was really in it for the money."

"The personal computer was created by the hardware revolution of the 1970s. The next change will come from a software revolution."
(Current Biography)

"The Macintosh turned out so well because the people working on it were musicians, artists, poets and historians who also happened to be excellent computer scientists."
(The New York Times)

"We started out to get a computer in the hands of everyday people, and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams."

"I'm not a hostile-takeover kind of guy."
(The New York Times)
"I am at a stage where I don't have to do things just to get by. But then I've always been that way, because I've never really cared about money that much."

"Woz[niak] was the first person I met who knew more about electronics than I did."

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