Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Like The 'Occupiers?' Go Ahead, Join In!

Some of my middle-class and upper-middle-class friends have been busy extolling the virtues of what I call the Birkenstock Brigade -- aka The Occupation.
Well, if you're a normal. otherwise responsible, tax-paying American who finds the demonstrators and the demonstration appealing, go ahead and sign up. Go on -- join the demonstrators.
Put some shoe-leather (or even bare feet and love beads) behind your words. Join the Occupation. Spend a few days in one of the encampments.
You can bring along some friends too and perhaps a bit of white wine and brie to share with The Collective in the spirit of community. And don't forget your iPod with all those Joan Baez and Pete Seeger tunes -- and some Kanye rants if you have them, just to be au courant.
I mean, if you really feel this way put down the New York Times, turn off NPR and take action.
This may be your last chance to be part of The Movement. Surely, you don't want to miss it.
Think of all the fun you'll have amidst the concrete, mounting trash, scavengering pigeons, squirrels and (perhaps) other rodents.
Especially now that the nights are growing chillier, this could be more rewarding, more life-affirming than a weekend of self-discovery at a nearby country retreat. Better even than a mud bath at a spa. And there will be plenty of wonderfully open, spontaneous life-coaches to cheer you on. You're bound to make many new friends.
So, go ahead. Open the door to your true convictions.
Listen closely, The Movement is calling you:
Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya
Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya
Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya
O Lord Kumbaya

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