Friday, October 14, 2011

Top Ten Halloween Costumes Of 2011

Halloween has gotten out of control.
Sadly, the Halloween "holiday" now rivals Christmas.
Basically, Halloween is a celebration of death. So the rising popularity of Halloween does not augur well for our society. What its means is that we are consumed with the culture of death.
Amidst it all, getting into costume for Halloween helps fuel part of the Halloween economic bonanza. And the economy needs all the help it can get.

So, here are the top ten most popular costumes for Halloween, 20ll:
10) Lady "GG" (She's so disgusting I can't bear to mention her name.)
9) Lightening McQueen
8) Angry Birds
7) Monster High
6) Charlie Sheen
5) Smurfs
4) Vampires
3) Thor
2) Captain America
1) Green Lantern

My personal favorites are Angry Birds and the Smurfs since they appear to be the least menacing.
HT: Gannett, Courier-Post, Associated Content

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