Monday, October 17, 2011

Video: Vile Anti-Semitism At 'Occupy Wall Street'

I saw it with my own eyes when I visited the site of  "Occupy Wall Street" a couple of weeks ago.
I saw signs announcing support for Palestinian prisoners and I saw signs denouncing the State of Israel.
In fact, I even posted a photo of one of the sings here on this blog.
I let the photo speak for itself. But it was clear to me -- as it should have been clear to others -- that an ugly anit-Semintism was taking root within the unsightly, unsanitary, increasingly menacing Wall Street encampment.
Now it's out in the open. It's there in full force.
It's mean. It's hateful. It's disgraceful.
Personally, I find it bone-chilling -- and downright scary.
And yet, President Obama and Democrat leaders either don't seem to notice or don't seem to care. Why else would they continue to cozy up to the occupation and lend it support?
Why?. . . .  Why? . . . .  Beats me. . . . .


  1. You sound so surprised. But this partnership between isreal and usa has murdered far too many to count...Noam Chomsky will explain it all...if you dare to know why

  2. And how often did we hear the criticisms of the tea party, which seemed to have no trouble with the taxation levels under W. "shockingly," as being home to bigots and racists were unfair? That one cannot take the actions of a few outliers and say they represent the group as a whole?

    Ah, but that protection only applies to the right wing. Selective editing against the left is perfectly balanced and reasonable.
