Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why Christie's Endorsing Romney

It should come as a surprise to no one that Chris Chrstie is endorsing Mitt Romney for President.
Chris Christie came to terms with his own presidential boomlet. He settled in his own mind -- once and for all -- that he would not be running this time around.
Governor Christie is a shrewd politician. Both his natural instincts (his ability to size up people and situations) and his political instincts are top-notch. But Christie isn't just about instinct.
Christie is also a logical, clear-headed decision maker.
As I indicated on right here on August 17, it was always a good bet that Christie would not run himself and that he would instead support Romney.

Here's what I said:
I don't expect Chris Christie to be a candidate [for President] this year.
Plus, I believe Christie when he says he's still looking for a candidate to back for the GOP nomination. I take him at his word. I can understand that none of the candidates may have really captivated him so far. . . .
But there are other factors. And what's more likely is that Christie will hitch his wagon to a GOP star. He'll endorse someone for president.
The Governor believes the next president should have executive experience. And, he's partial to governors.
I don't think Christie would tend to favor Palin. Just not the right chemistry there.
Which means we're looking at either Perry or Romney. Remember this: Christie rose to prominence in politics as a Bush bundler. He raised a ton of money for George W. Bush. And Christie's pal, Bill Palatucci has close ties to the Bushes. Factor in that there is no love lost between the Bushes and Rick Perry. Recall that in 1988 when George H. W. Bush was seeking the GOP nomination for president, Rick Perry was a Democrat and chaired the presidential effort of Al Gore in Texas.
Word is that there's bad blood between the Bush family and Perry.
Which brings us to Romney. Mitt Romney was an early supporter of Chris Christie here in New Jersey. He championed Christie's cause, even before Christie snagged the Republican nomination.
I was there in Haddonfield, NJ 
(photo above) on a bright sunny day in May, 2009 when Romney endorsed Christie on the steps of the Haddonfield borough hall on Kings Highway. I reported it right here.
“I’m convinced the challenges facing New Jersey and the rest of the country can be overcome with courageous leadership. Chris Christie is a strong conservative voice for balanced budgets, low taxes and more jobs. He will bring badly-needed change to state government,” Romney said at that time.
“By electing Chris Christie, the people of New Jersey will be taking a giant step toward a brighter and more prosperous future,” Romney added.
Romney was right. He bet on a winner.
Now, I've got to believe that Romney & Co. are seeking to collect on that bet.
At a critical place and time -- at just the right place and just the right moment -- Mitt Romney hopes to stand next to Christie (just as Christie once stood next to Romney) and receive Christie's endorsement for president.
And assuming things fall into place (always a big assumption in politics) that may yet happen.

Stay tuned . . . . 

And now this from NBC:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will make a surprise appearance Tuesday to endorse Mitt Romney for president, a week after Christie said he had decided not to run.
Christie is planning a joint press conference with the former Massachusetts governor at 3 p.m. in New Hampshire, NBC News has learned.

My, my . . . how did I know?

BTW: I've already made my initial contributions to the Mitt Romney campaign. Go, Mitt!

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