Monday, November 7, 2011

Breaking: Obama Disses Netanyahu Via Open Mic

So, Obama and Sarkozy accidentally left their microphones on after facing reporters at the G2 summit.

They retired to a private room for further discussion. But the two leaders still had their microphones turned on.

And here's what happened:

It seems the conversation began with President Obama criticizing Sarkozy for not having warned him that France would be voting in favor of the Palestinian membership bid in UNESCO despite Washington's strong objection to the move.

But then, like two old ladies Obama and Sarkozy began to gossip viciously about Bibi. Sarkozy declared: "I cannot stand him. He is a liar." And Obama apparently replied: "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!"

So these two clucking hens found something to agree on: They both hate Israel's Prime Minister.

Hey, the French have really never been particularly pro-Israel. But, America? Is this any way to treat one of our most important allies?

It's just further proof that Obama is not particularly fond of Israel, the Israeli government or its leaders. And this weird Obama vexation only seems to get worse.

A problem with Netanyahu? No . . . .

We've got a problem with OBAMA -- and we're tired of having to deal with him!

Click here to learn more.


  1. Bingo! Right on Dan!

    Today's comments about Obama's disdain for Netanyahu should be evidence enough for American Jews that their president has no interest in helping Israel.

    What surprises me is the number of self-hating Jews who continue to support a president and his party who has the interest of the Palestinians at heart and who hold Israel in such low regard. It's time for American Jews to walk away from the democrat party.

  2. This is one of the stupidest blog posts (including the above comment). There is a BIG difference between dislike for an Israeli President and dislike for the State of Israel. By this pathetic logic, if you dis Obama, you dislike America. My god, what sloppy thinking!
