Friday, November 11, 2011

Christie Marks Veterans Day; Renews Support For Vets

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie issued the following statement marking Veterans Day:
“Today, we honor New Jersey's veterans, both past and present, for their tremendous sacrifice and commitment on behalf of our state and our country. These brave men and women who have worn our nation’s uniform have courageously and selflessly served to uphold the democratic principles that as Americans we hold so dear. At the same time, we must remember the families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice and did not come home. I am honored to be Governor of a state with so many heroic and honorable men and women who have served with distinction. We are forever grateful for their service, today and every day.”
The Christie Administration has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to New Jersey’s veterans, their families, and those currently serving in active duty. Since taking office, Governor Christie has signed legislation that strengthened the support network for military families after the death of a service member, honored those World War II, Korea and Vietnam veterans who were required to drop out of high school to serve, and created the Gold Star Families license plate to honor the families of members of the military killed in action for their sacrifice. For returning veterans, he has ensured funding for services such as the Vet-2-Vet Hotline and to help transition military personnel to secure career opportunities in the building trades through the Helmets to Hardhats (H2H) program.

Governor Christie also proclaimed today “Veterans Day” throughout New Jersey.

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