Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Civil War Christmas In Cherry Hill

We had a wonderful time Saturday the annual Barclay Farmstead Holiday House just off Route 70 at the entrance to the Barclay Farm neighborhood in Cherry Hill.
“Holiday House in Blue and Gray: Reflections of the Civil War” highlights both Yankee traditions and Dixie specialties.The North and South parlors feature artifacts, uniforms and decorations of the era, many on loan from private collections and other museums.
You can also enjoy shopping in the expanded Museum Shop featuring the area's best selection of gifts and crafts and enter to win one of three raffle prizes. Your $2 donation at the door supports award winning programming and ongoing restoration.
But if you want to see this beautiful 1802 home decked out in Christmas finery and you want to enjoy the surrounding 32 acres you must head on over to Barclay Farmstead on Sunday, November 20 as that is the last day of the Holiday House.
Check out the photos below and don't miss it!
All photos copyright 2011 by Dan Cirucci.

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