Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dan Cirucci Blog Fourth Birthday - Thanks, Everybody!

Today marks the 4th birthday/anniversary of the Dan Cirucci Blog.
And that's appropriate because we are incredibly thankful to all of you for your support and encouragement from Day One - November 24, 2007.
This blog started almost as a dare when Aimee Cirucci challenged me to do it and broadcaster Dom Giordano of Live & Local Talk Radio 1210 in Philadelphia asked me why I didn't have a blog.
Since our first blog post four years ago we've posted EVERY SINGLE DAY and that includes Saturdays, Sundays. Christmas, New Years and the 4th of July. We haven't missed a day and we've posted more than 5,000 times during that period.
At the same time, nearly 300,000 visitors came to the blog, piling up more than 700,000 page views. And we've had visitors from every continent and from the far corners of the world.
Our most popular post? Well it was those 2010 Philly Naked Bike Road photos. Those have been viewed nearly 17,000 times. After that, our post on the bikini and how it was born and why we like it was viewed nearly 7.500 times. When actor/comedian Leslie Nielsen died, nearly 3,500 people came to this site to read about it. And, most recently this new video on President Obama has been viewed nearly 3,000 times -- and that's just since November 19. The Obama video is great and I urge you not to miss it.
One of our biggest thrills was when Rush Limbaugh read directly from this blog on his radio show. We also got a great lift when New Jersey Governor Chris Christie looked to us and said: "This guy's got a great blog!"
Some more stats: Nearly 10,000 people have visited this blog from Germany (the largest number of visitors beyond the USA) and Great Britain has logged 8,000 visitors while Canada has logged 7,000 and India has attracted more than 3,000.
We also want to thank the wonderful Blogs Lucianne Loves which has generated more than 15,000 visitors for us. And we are also grateful to all of those who have included us on their blog rolls and to everyone who has encouraged us. Special thanks as well to the many of you who have invited us to parties, events, businesses and attractions so that we can share what you're offering (and your successes) with our many visitors.
And, if you'd like you can click here to see our very first posts.
Finally, we are grateful that good health, stamina, family, friends and colleagues have allowed us to keep at this endeavor every single say, day after day for 1,461 days or 35,040 hours or 2.1 million minutes.
God willing (and the creek don't rise) we'll be here tomorrow and the days that follow.
As long as you keep visiting, we'll posting.

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