Thursday, November 17, 2011

Don't Send Thanksgiving Cards, Please!

Each year I receive a few more Thanksgiving cards.
I'm not sure where or how this trend started but I don't like it.
Here's why: Those who send Thanksgiving cards usually don't send Christmas cards.
Nowadays Thanksgiving is a state holiday - a largely secular feast. 
Don't misunderstand me. It's a nice holiday and I think it's wonderful that the whole country celebrates this day together. And it's important to give thanks. Obviously, the Pilgrims gave thanks to God. But Thanksgiving has now become hopelessly generic.
And Thanksgiving cards are ultimately wimpy. Sending a Thanksgiving card is a convenient way to gently nudge Christmas out of the picture.
Because, let's face it: Thanksgiving now marks the official beginning of the Christmas season. So, the day after Thanksgiving is the time to get your card list in shape and get to work. Every Christian on your list should receive aChristmas card. If you're not sure if the person is Christian or exactly how observant the person is, send him or her a holiday card - just as you would send to non-Christians.
And yes, real greeting cards received in the mail are still a nice way to show you care.
But please, please, please skip the Thanksgiving cards!

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