Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Has Herman Cain Reached The 'Tipping Point'?

Ed Morrissey has a good column at asking whether Herman Cain has reached the point of no return (the "tipping point") amidst the sexual harassment allegations that swarm around him.
Here's part of what Morrissey says:
"Republican voters may well decide that they don't need to settle this [the Cain allegations] to a moral certainty. They like Cain. But is Cain so indispensable that voters will be willing to risk more shoes dropping in a general election? . . .
"Voters who might have been tempted to take a risk on Cain could decide that the inability to foresee or effectively handle the crises of the past several days makes that argument moot, or just figure that they don't need to take that much risk of more scandal with an untested novelty candidate. "
Click here to read the full column.

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