Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is Romney Too 'Nice' To Be President?

Kathleen Parker has a fine column at the Washington Post in which she basically asks: Is Mitt Romney too nice to be president? She notes that it was Romney who rescued the hopelessly baffled and/or forgetful Rick Perry during last night's debate.
Here's an excerpt from Parker's column:
He’s a nice guy in a season of nastiness, a trait that may also be his greatest political failing.
Michael Medved, trying to figure out why Republicans don’t love Romney, pointed to his lack of anger. These are angry times and people want their leader to be ticked off, surmised Medved. He may be right, both in theory and in his conclusion: This passion for anger is not good for the country. . . .
He seems preternaturally unflappable, which to some is too robotic, not-quite-human. We like some fallibility in our leaders and flaws in our protagonists. Perhaps Romney would benefit from a slight imperfection or some other handicap over which he has struggled.
Click here to read more.

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