Saturday, November 5, 2011

Rocks & Lawrence Endorsed By Courier-Post

Joshua Rocks and Eugene Lawrence have received the endorsement of the Courier Post for Camden County Freeholder.
Rocks and Lawrence have been picking up many endorsements.
Here's what the Courier-Post says:
“We’re endorsing Republicans Joshua Rocks and Eugene Lawrence over Democratic incumbents Louis Cappelli and Scot McCray for seats on the freeholder board because the board needs different perspectives from a member or members who will raise the tough questions — in public, not behind closed doors — and see that they’re answered.
These two Republicans, especially Rocks, a 31-year-old transportation planner with the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission who grew up in Camden and now lives in Haddon Township, possess all of the qualities voters should want in candidates — intelligence, passion and the determination to ask why things are the way they are.”
We applaud the Courier for this bold, independent judgement and we recommend a vote for Rocks and Lawrence for Camden County Freeholder.

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