Monday, November 21, 2011

Mitt Romney Announces Important New Endorsements

Mitt Romney today announced the support of New Hampshire Congressman Charlie Bass. Bass will serve as Co-Chair of Mitt Romney's New Hampshire Steering Committee and will be a member of his National Steering Committee. Congressman Bass will appear with Mitt Romney today at BAE Systems in Nashua, NH.

“Congressman Bass and his family have served New Hampshire with honor and distinction for generations,” said Mitt Romney. “He has stood up for the traditional New Hampshire principles of limited taxation and smaller government. In addition, Congressman Bass understands that the current over-taxation and over-spending in Washington will only continue to hurt job creators. With his support, I hope to reverse the failed Obama fiscal policies that have hampered job creation and put a halt to economic growth.”

“Voters in New Hampshire and across our country are looking for a candidate that understands what our economy needs to recover and grow, that has the experience of creating jobs, and has the leadership qualities needed to bring the citizens of our nation back together in these challenging times,” stated Congressman Bass. “I firmly believe that Mitt Romney is the candidate that will renew our country's faith in the American Dream. I am proud to endorse Governor Romney today for President of the United States.”

Yesterday Romney announced the support of New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte. Senator Ayotte will serve as a Co-Chair of his National Advisory Council.

“In her short time in the U.S. Senate, Senator Ayotte has emerged as a conservative leader in the fight to cut spending and create a government that is more accountable to the taxpayers,” said Mitt Romney. “Throughout her career as a public servant, Senator Ayotte has displayed the virtues that Granite Staters expect from their leaders. She is a tireless worker who understands that she serves the New Hampshire taxpayers – not the other way around – and keeps a watchful eye on how their money is spent. I am honored to have her support and look forward to working with her to put an end to Washington’s spending addiction so that our children and grandchildren will not be burdened by irresponsible policies and endless debt.”

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