Friday, November 18, 2011

Monmouth Leaders Laud Open Space Preservation

Monmouth County (NJ) Senators Joe Kyrillos (R- 13) and Jennifer Beck (R- 12) and Assembly members Declan O'Scanlon and Caroline Casagrande (R- 12) lauded the Christie Administration's announcement of plans to preserve the long-vacant Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital.

"I'm pleased that under Governor Christie's leadership we are finally going to move this project forward," said Kyrillos. "At long last, the hospital grounds will be remediated and preserved as open space for the enjoyment of all. I'm glad that the state has partnered with the town in a meaningful way to share responsibility in making Marlboro Psychiatric's grounds usable again."

The 411 acre site, which hosts both the former hospital and a wastewater treatment facility, will undergo remediation for environmental contaminants and deteriorating structures in order to make it safe for recreation and public use.

Beck stated, "This 411 acre State owned property is incredibly important to Monmouth County and Governor Christie deserves credit for being the first and only Governor to commit real State resources to make this site usable again. Today's announcement complements and continues the legislative work I and my colleagues have done to get $3.6 million to repair the wastewater treatment facility. It is a good day for our residents in Marlboro and Monmouth County."

"Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital was a State-owned facility from the beginning," said O'Scanlon, "and Governor Christie sees that the State remains responsible for the site and any environmental damage that exists, without burdening local tax payers. I have worked closely with local and State officials through two administrations on this issue, so today was particularly gratifying. I look forward to my continued involvement in this process as we work to make this land available for use as open space. I welcome such a great example of government working as it should, in good faith and in the best interests of its people."

"The residents of Marlboro Township have been waiting patiently for these improvements" said Casagrande, "Having this funding in place puts this property one step closer to finding a new future as a useful part of the Marlboro community."

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