Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NJ Power Outages: Christie Deploys DOT Resources

Following a conference call held today with Board of Public Utilities President Lee Solomon, PSEG President and CEO Ralph LaRossa, and JCP&L President Don Lynch, Governor Christie updated New Jerseyans on the progress of the storm recovery and power restoration efforts that continue around the state.
As of this afternoon, PSEG reported that 85 percent of impacted customers had their power restored, while 87,000 customers remain without power. JCP&L reported restoration to 53 percent of impacted customers, while 180,000 remain without power. Expectations hold for 95 percent of utility customers to see power restored by the end of the day Thursday. Both JCP&L and PSEG are prioritizing their power restoration efforts on schools and nursing homes first.
“While there are still New Jerseyans without power, the storm response activities by PSEG and JCP&L continue to make progress. Expectations remain that 95 percent of utility customers will have their power back by the end of the day Thursday,” said Governor Christie. “To assist in the restoration effort, resources from the Department of Transportation are out on the roads supplementing the utilities’ efforts, primarily in Morris County, to clear county and municipal roadways. We will continue to offer all of the assistance we can to ensure that every New Jerseyan gets their power back as quickly as possible.”
Following Governor Christie’s directive to Commissioner Jim Simpson yesterday, the Department of Transportation has deployed resources to assist with tree removal efforts from county and local roads to expedite the process of restoring power to affected New Jersey homes, critical infrastructure and businesses. These activities are taking place primarily in Morris County.
JCP&L also repor
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ted that additional out of state resources have arrived to supplement the more than 1200 crews from both utilities already at work in the state, including crews from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, New York, Indiana, Michigan, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama.

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