Friday, November 18, 2011

Obama & Co. Eye Smear Campaign Against Mitt

A special message from Matt Rhoades:

We already knew that President Obama and his allies have an obsession with Mitt Romney. But their latest plunge into dirty politicking reeks of desperation, proving yet again their willingness to say and do anything to cling to power.

The Obama political machine recently enlisted its close friend, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, to help with its latest smear campaign against Mitt.

I responded with the following letter:

Dear Governor Patrick:

As you know, state law strictly prohibits you and your staff from using public resources for political campaign purposes. Under state law, a public employee may not provide services to a candidate or campaign during his or her work hours.

Nonetheless, it is evident that your office has become an opposition research arm of the Obama reelection campaign. The latest example occurred yesterday when your chief legal counsel, Mark Reilly, in the absence of a legitimate public records request, supplied The Boston Globe with copies of cancelled checks from 2006 documenting the lawful purchase of computer equipment by departing members of the Romney administration. This action was nothing more than a weak attempt to disparage practices that you know were in complete compliance with the law.

Given the amount of time your staff is apparently spending to assist the Obama campaign, I request that you provide us with copies of all email correspondence, phone logs, and visitor logs showing contacts that David Axelrod, David Plouffe and Jim Messina have had with you and members of the Executive Office from 2007 to the present.

At a time when unemployment is at unacceptably high levels, both here in Massachusetts and around the country, the people of Massachusetts deserve to know that you are focused on alleviating joblessness - not running a dirty tricks shop for your friend, President Obama.


Matt Rhoades
Campaign Manager
Romney for President

It's politics as usual for the White House. Despite our nation's record unemployment and economic turmoil, President Obama is clearly only interested in saving his own job.

Please take a moment to share this email with your friends and family who believe America deserves better - much better.

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