Sunday, November 6, 2011

Obama & Co. Oppose FDR Prayer At WW II Memorial

FDR's World War II prayer on the eve of D-Day is considered an American classic.
By all accounts FDR wrote the prayer himself and delivered it via a national radio broadcast in his own inimitable style. It was an unabashed plea to the almighty as the creator and savior of our nation and of democracy itself. It remains heartfelt, stirring and awe-inspiring 67 years later.
But this is not good enough for Obama and the hopelessly secular liberal humanists who rally to his cause.
Because Obama & Co. are opposing congressional legislation to add Roosevelt's D-Day prayer to the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C.
At a House hearing Thursday, Robert Abbey, director of the Bureau of Land Management, said a plaque or inscription of the prayer would "dilute" the memorial's central message.
How would a prayer such as this (at a WW II memorial, no less) dilute anything?
It defies sensibility.
But then again, when has Obamunism ever made sense?

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