Friday, November 11, 2011

Penn State Abington Faculty: No $$$ For Legal Fees

On Wednesday, Penn State's Abington College Faculty Senate Council met and unanimously approved a motion, which has been forwarded to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University, as well as other University officials, regarding the ongoing child abuse scandal at University Park.  
Given the Abington campus' position as a major provider of budget support to University Park, the Faculty Senate felt morally impelled, as representatives of the faculty, to make this declaration.

The motion and its explanation follow:

Penn State Abington College Faculty Senate Council Motion in regard to sex abuse scandal

The Penn State Abington College Faculty Senate Council requests that none of the more than $11 million dollars in tuition, or 30% of our budget, that is transmitted by our campus to the University Park Campus each year, be used in the legal defense of Penn State administrators charged with perjury and failure to report child sexual abuse in the case of former football coach Jerry Sandusky.

According to the Daily Collegian (6 November 2011), “Penn State has barred former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky from campus after he was charged with sexually assaulting eight young boys, and officials said the university will pay for legal fees for two school officials charged with perjury in the case.”

Therefore, be it resolved that,
: the Penn State Abington College Faculty Senate Council is disturbed to learn that the university will pay for the legal counsel for Vice President for Business and Finance Schultz and Athletic Director Curley “because the matter concerns how they acted as employees of the university;” and,
: the Penn State Abington College Faculty Senate Council expresses to the Board of Trustees of The Pennsylvania State University its opposition to any of the monies extracted from our Penn State Abington student’s tuition dollars to be used in the legal defense of Penn State administrators accused of felonies.

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