Monday, November 14, 2011

Revolving Door: Democrats, NBC, ABC, CBS

The revolving door just goes round and round.
And Democrats keep finding jobs with the dominant media and the Big Three TV networks.
The latest one to do so is Chelsea Clinton.
Chelsea began work at NBC News on Monday. NBC said it had hired the 31-year-old Chelsea to work on projects for "NBC Nightly News" and Brian Williams' newsmagazine, "Rock Center."
She will report stories for the "Making a Difference" series.
The only child of former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Chelsea is also pursuing a doctorate at Oxford and working for the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative.
Remember that former Clinton Press Secretary George Stephanopoulos and former New York Governor Mario Cuomo's son (and present New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's brother) Chris Cuomo both work for ABC.
It's blatantly incestuous and ongoing. This is what passes for objectivity these days.

1 comment:

  1. And what about Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin and other former Republican politicians landing gigs at Fox News? That's no better or worse, but the incestuousness goes both ways.
