Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ridge To PSU? Gov. Corbett Will Not Confirm

Noting that he does "have a vote" on the Board of Trustees of Penn State University and that cabinet secretaries and his appointees do have votes on the board, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett today said that "we have to let the Board of Trustees do what they're going to do and then move forward. This thing will play out."
Asked about New York Times reports that Penn State Football coach Joe Paterno would be removed and further reports that PSU President Graham Spanier would be replaced by former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge, Corbett simply said "I can confirm that there was a meeting."
That's all Corbett would say regarding the possible changes at PSU.
The Governor said he cares deeply about Penn State and recognizes that the people of Pennsylvania are rightly concerned about the crisis situation engulfing the university. Corbett noted that the state provides substantial amounts of money to the university and the people are right to be concerned. But he cautioned that Penn State is "a state-related university, not a state-run university."
Governor Corbett said he will attend the Penn State Board of Trustees meeting on Friday. "I've had that on my calendar for quite some time -- before all this happened -- and I do intend to be there," Corbett said.
The Governor made his comments on the Chris Stigall Show on WPHT, 1210 AM radio in Philadelphia.
On the presidential situation, the Governor said he is not yet prepared to make any endorsements. "This has been a very, very busy year for me and we're still busy. So I haven't made that decision yet," he added.
He did say that the person that he will endorse "needs to have executive experience, like a Governor."
He noted that he has met with Mitt Romney (met with all the GOP candidates but Herman Cain) but is not ready to endorse. He commented that the Cain people have not reached out to him.

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