Wednesday, November 30, 2011

South Jersey Animal Shelter in Dire Straits

In addition to the occasional homage to Moose, the world's cutest dog, we love animals here at That's why when we read Kevin Riordan's article on the Almost Home Animal Shelter hitting tough times it broke our heart.

We've found out that if help doesn't come by Friday, this shelter for dogs, cats and other pets may have to close its doors. This puts a lot of great animals, who just need a loving family, in jeopardy.

During the Advent Season and Christmas Holiday, a lot of focus is placed on family. As the owner of a loving and loyal shelter dog who is more family member than pet, we should also help our four-legged friends.

You can find out how you can help by reaching out to Director Nancy Welsh. You can access the shelter's Facebook Page here.

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