Tuesday, November 29, 2011

TANKED: Obama Job Approval Now Below Carter's

It turns out that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was speaking for more than a few of us yesterday when he expressed his frustration with President Obama and demanded to know: "What the hell are we paying you for?"
Because President Obama's Gallup's daily presidential job approval rating has now fallen below Jimmy Carter, giving Obama the worst job approval numbers of any president (at this point in his term) in modern political history.
Indeed, this is a shocking new low -- even for Obama.
On a side-by-side chart, Gallup puts Obama's job approval rating at 43 percent compared to Carter's 51 percent.
Here are the job approval numbers of other presidents one year before their re-election campaign: -- Harry S. Truman: 54 percent.
-- Dwight Eisenhower: 78 percent.
-- Lyndon B. Johnson: 44 percent.
-- Richard M. Nixon: 50 percent.
-- Ronald Reagan: 54 percent.
-- George H.W. Bush: 52 percent.
-- Bill Clinton: 51 percent.
-- George W. Bush: 55 percent.

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