Wednesday, November 23, 2011

US Airways Forces Passenger To Stand SEVEN HOURS!

Believe it: US Airways forced a passenger to stand for seven hours on a flight from Anchorage to Philadelphia, the longest US domestic flight.
Here's what happened: A morbidly obese 400-pund passenger sat next to this man and spilled into his seat, making it impossible for him to fasten his seat belt or to occupy his seat in a normal fashion.
And the flight was completely full.
The passenger, Arthur Berkowitz puts it this way: “I didn’t fly from Alaska to Philadelphia on flight 901, I stood.”
Berkowitz thought he was fine when he boarded the plane and saw an empty middle seat next to him. But then the Fat Man arrived, lifted both armrests and sat in the middle seat. This left Berkowitz with only half a seat and no way to fasten his seat belt.
Berkowitz then notified the flight attendants. He says they were sympathetic but offered no real solution to his problem. He was not allowed to sit in the attendants' jump seats. So Berkowitz had to stand in the aisle or galley area for most of the flight.
He wrote US Airways a "polite" e-mail after the flight, asking for some consideration. He actually wanted a refund. This is what he got: A $200 voucher for a future flight.
US Airways says that's the best they can do.
But wait: It was US Airways who let this morbidly obese passenger onto the flight (and into the last available seat) at the last minute. This man needed TWO seats -- not one. And US Airways should have known that. So, it was all their fault!
Click here to read more.
BTW: The total deterioration of air travel is a national disgrace.

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