Friday, December 23, 2011

Corzine, Obama And Biden: Perfect Together!

Diane Gooch, Strong New Jersey chairwoman, is pleased to announce the launch of a web video highlighting the alliance between President Obama, Vice-President Biden and disgraced former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine. Corzine as CEO of MF Global, recently presided over the bankruptcy and loss of $1.2 billion in client funds.
Nobody knows Jon Corzine better than New Jersey. New Jersey rejected Jon Corzine's failed policies in 2009, while President Obama and Vice-President Biden embraced him. While businesses left the state and families lost their jobs, President Obama and Vice-President Biden campaigned aggressively for Corzine, praising Corzine and calling him for advice on how to improve the economy.
Strong New Jersey Chairwoman Diane Gooch said, "Strong New Jersey released the video to highlight exactly who the Obama administration turns to for advice and guidance on fixing our economy -- Jon Corzine."
New Jersey gets it. Jon Corzine's "spend now ask later" policy didn't work in New Jersey, and didn't work on Wall Street.
About Strong New Jersey
Founded by small business owner, philanthropic leader and former Congressional candidate Diane Gooch, Strong New Jersey is a group of concerned citizens ready to raise their voices to preserve and promote responsible government, individual liberty and free enterprise in New Jersey.

Excerpt from "Perfect Together"
CORZINE: "I simply do not know where the money is"
Jon Corzine bankrupted MF Global And lost $1.2 billion of client funds. This after nearly bankrupting NJ as Governor.
Yet, it's Corzine who President Obama and Vice-President Biden turn to for advice on the economy?
OBAMA: "You've had an honorable man at the helm in this state
CORZINE: "I simply do not know where the money is. As the CEO of MF Global, I ultimately had overall responsibility for the Firm."
BIDEN: "We were on the phone CALLING Jon Corzine. Literally. I literally picked up the phone and said, 'Jon, what do you think we should do?' We trusted his judgment."
CORZINE: "I simply do not know where the money is"
BIDEN: Jon was right.

No wonder Obama/Biden have nearly bankrupted America.
Click here for more information.

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