Friday, December 16, 2011

Dinniman's 'Daniel's Law' Passes PA, Senate Cttee.

Pennsylvania State Senator Andy Dinniman’s bill to ban animal gassing in Pennsylvania has been unanimously approved by a Senate committee.
The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted 11-0 to approve Dinniman’s Senate Bill 1329, which would prohibit the gassing of cats and dogs in Pennsylvania, a method of euthanasia still practiced in several animal shelters in the Commonwealth.
Senator Dinniman with Daniel "the Miracle Dog"

The bill goes on to mandate that shelters, when euthanizing dogs, cats, and other domestic animals, do so by injection of sodium pentobarbital, the method considered most humane by animal experts.
Dinniman said his Senate Bill 1329 still has a ways to go before it becomes law but that Wednesday’s vote was a big step toward Pennsylvania becoming more compassionate toward animals.
“I’m heartened that my fellow committee members unanimously agreed that it’s time for Pennsylvania to join the 16 states that no longer allow euthanasia by gassing,” Dinniman said. “The method is cruel, unnecessary, and even dangerous to shelter personnel.”
Dinniman’s bill is named after Daniel, the beagle that in October survived an Alabama gas chamber and has since been adopted by a New Jersey family and become a symbol in the battle to ban euthanasia by gassing. Daniel and his guardian, Jim Dwyer, appeared on Anderson Cooper’s daytime talk show “Anderson” on Dec. 2.
Dinniman’s Senate Bill 1329 will next be considered by the full Senate.
Another animal-welfare bill introduced by Sen. Dinnian was approved by the Senate Judiciary committee on Dec. 6. Senate Bill 968 would increase the penalty for animal cruelty when such cruelty occurs within the realm of domestic abuse.

“It’s terribly unfortunate but harming or killing an animal is a common way abusers try to get power and control over their victims,” Dinniman said. “Current laws don’t take that into account. That’s why I introduced Senate Bill 968, which is now before the full Senate and I’m optimistic will continue to progress and someday become law.”
For more information contact Senator Dinniman’s West Chester Office at (610) 692-2112, or e-mail

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