Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year From Florida!

We have decided to ring in the new year in Florida where we will watch the sunset over the beautiful Gulf of Mexico in Longboat Key.
Later we will have a simple and quiet dinner and retire to our temporary quarters.
We're just a stone's throw (literally) from the beach and the temperature is in the low 80s without a breeze, let alone a gust of wind. It's tranquil.
The weather is just perfect here on this wisp of land not very far from Tampa Bay where the 2012 Republican National Convention will convene in just eight short months.
We hope and expect that this is the place where the next President of the United States will be nominated.
Our wish for you and for everyone that you care about is a very happy and healthy new year.
It's our guess that most people will be more than pleased to see 2011 come to a close. It has been a year of more not-so-good economic news (sluggish, at best) and its own share of frustrations.
Nonetheless, we are simply happy to enjoy good health and to be able to share our days with those we cherish and enjoy each and every moment of being alive -- with special emphasis on all of the simple pleasures and joys life has to offer.
As the year comes to a close, our thoughts and prayers are with our troops who continue to protect us and with all those who are troubled, or anxious or facing crises and look to a brighter day.
May the new year bring all of us health, peace, comfort and joy.
Happy New Year!

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