Monday, December 5, 2011

Huckabee Ready To Announce Endorsement?

By now you've heard that Herman Cain is set to endorse Newt Girngrich.
word is that the endorsement will be announced soon.
And for some time people have been saying that Sarah Palin will endorse Gingrich as well. The past few weeks have been good for Gingrich.
But one of the most respected leaders of the Republican Party has not yet to endorse a candidate. I'm talking about the man who won the 2008 Iowa caucuses -- the man who many expected would be the strongest candidate for president this year had he chosen to run.
Yes, I'm talking about Mike Huckabee.
Huckabee hasn't announced his pick yet but he has been saying nice things about Mitt Romney.
This race is far from over. In fact, it's only just begun -- and it could go on for quite some time. Remember -- several candidates have risen in the polls only to later fall.
So, at a very strategic moment look for Huckabee to endorse Romney.

1 comment:

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