Thursday, December 29, 2011

Most (And Least) Desired Celebrity Neighbors, 2011

How would you like to have Kim Kardashian as your neighbor? What about the gang from Jersey Shore? Would you like Anthony Weiner as a neighbor? How about Lindasy Lohan or  Charlie Sheen? Or maybe you'd like to chat over the back fence with Tim Tebow or even "tebow" with him.
Zillow, a real estate information marketplace has conducted its second annual survey asking respondents who they'd like (or not like) as a celebrity neighbor.
Some celebrities actually made both lists and some of the respondents said they wouldn't want ANY celebrity neighbor.
Here are the results:

Most desirable neighbors
1. Tim Tebow (11 percent of votes)
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (10 percent)
Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux (9 percent)
Jennifer Lopez (6 percent)
Beyoncé and Jay-Z (5 percent)
Nancy Grace (4 percent)
Kim Kardashian (4 percent)
Other (11 percent)
None of the above (42 percent)

Least desirable neighbors
1. Jersey Shore cast (28 percent of votes)
Charlie Sheen (21 percent)
Lindsay Lohan (14 percent)
Kim Kardashian (13 percent)
Nancy Grace (3 percent)
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (3 percent)
Anthony Weiner (2 percent)
Other (2 percent)
None of the above (14 percent)

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