Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Obama, Dems Define Path Of Divisiveness

A special message from the Mitt Romney campaign:

This time of year, we gather with family and loved ones to celebrate and reflect on those things that bring us together.

But Obama's billion-dollar political machine sees things differently. Even during the holiday season, they aren't straying from their "kill Romney" campaign.

Their latest effort asks supporters to "have a little fun at the expense of a Republican by letting them know they inspired you to make a donation to the Obama campaign." But why? "It will drive them nuts!"

Facing record unemployment and debt as a result of President Obama's failed leadership, the White House has resorted to pitting Democrats against Republicans, asking them to engage friends and relatives in political attacks during the holidays.

Long gone is the campaign that preached "hope and change" and railed against those that "slice and dice our country into red states and blue states." This divisive rhetoric is an unnecessary reminder that we can't afford four more years of President Obama.

Click here to get involved in the Mitt Romney campaign.

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