Sunday, December 25, 2011

Poll: Romney Pulls Well Ahead In New Hampshire

Mitt Romney is pulling away in New Hampshire. according to a new poll.
Here are excerpts from a National Journal report:
Mitt Romney is maintaining his commanding position atop the field of Republican candidates for president in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire, according to a new poll published in Christmas Day editions of the Boston Globe.
Romney leads with the support of 39 percent of likely GOP primary voters in his adopted home state, according to the poll, conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, are tied for second place, each at 17 percent. Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman runs fourth with 11 percent, breaking double-digits in the UNH poll for the first time. . . .

The poll shows Romney enjoys a broad base of support in the state. Compared to Iowa, fewer likely New Hampshire primary voters identify as tea party supporters, and those that do are more accepting of Romney than their Hawkeye State counterparts. Among those voters who say they support or are active in the tea party, Romney has a wide lead, enjoying a 44 percent to 24 percent advantage over Gingrich. About half of likely primary voters describe themselves as neither supporting nor opposing the tea party; Romney leads among this group by more than 20 percentage points. . . .

Romney runs strong among all age groups, surpassing 35 percent across the board.
Click here to read the complete story.

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