Thursday, December 1, 2011

Video: Christie's Frank Talk, Action On Job Creation

When it comes to jobs and job-creation, Chris Christie doesn't mince words.
And his own record speaks volumes.
Governor Chris Christie: “If they want to come forward with these bills let’s sit down, let’s talk about it, let’s see what we can agree to. … And so if the Speaker wants to do this kind of thing, I’ve heard them talk a lot in the last two weeks about communication, and how they’re going to assert themselves. Well great! I’m happy to have them assert themselves, but it’s a two-way street. Because remember what the equation is. Never forget the equation in Trenton for getting something done. It is 41 and 21, that’s absolutely true. And one. And you’re looking at the one.”
Under Governor Christie’s Leadership, New Jersey Is Creating Jobs:
In 2011 Alone, New Jersey Has Created Over 38,000 Private Sector Jobs. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed: 12/01/11)
· Since Governor Christie Took Office, New Jersey’s Unemployment Rate Has Dropped From 9.8 Percent To 9.1 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, Accessed: 12/01/11)

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