Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Another Biggie: Romney Touts McCain Endorsement

Mitt Romney today announced the support of Senator John McCain and his wife Cindy. “Few Americans have sacrificed so much for their country and it is an honor to have Senator & Mrs. McCain’s support,” said Mitt Romney. “For his entire life, Senator McCain has been a committed public servant and is an example for all those seeking higher office."

“Few Americans have sacrificed so much for their country – it is an honor to have Senator & Mrs. McCain’s support,” said Mitt Romney. “For his entire life, Senator McCain has been a committed public servant and is an example for all those seeking higher office. Senator McCain has been a leader in the fight to stop the growth of government and make government more accountable to taxpayers. With his leadership on cutting spending in the Senate, we can rein in out-of-control federal spending, and restore confidence in government. I look forward to campaigning with Senator McCain and working with him on the issues important to our national and economic security.”

Announcing his support, Senator John McCain said, “The time has arrived for Republicans to choose a presidential nominee; a new standard bearer who has the ability and determination to defeat President Obama and the strongest commitment to returning America to prosperity and defending our interests and values overseas. I’m pleased to have made my choice, and to endorse Governor Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination for President.”

“These last few years have been a terribly tough time for Americans, and President Obama’s policies have failed to address effectively the problems of weak economic growth and persistent joblessness that have caused so many sleepless nights for so many Americans,” continued Senator McCain. “The Obama administration has ignored the most serious challenges threatening our future – a fifteen trillion dollar debt, and the job destroying effects of a complex, unfair and incomprehensible tax code, bankrupt entitlement programs, and unnecessary government regulations. We can overcome these challenges as we have overcome every challenge in our past, but only if our country changes leaders.”

“Governor Romney offers us the commonsense reforms of government policy that are necessary to turn around our economy,” said Senator McCain. “His record of accomplishment in government and business are a testament to his leadership abilities. His commitment to a strong defense and principled diplomacy will earn the world’s respect for American leadership.”

“I had the privilege of running against Governor Romney for the nomination four years ago, and I know he is a tough competitor,” said Senator McCain. “I have no doubt he is the best candidate we can nominate. And I am proud to support him for President.”


  1. If I were John McCain, I would have waited until Romney had the nomination in the bag to publicly endorse him. While this endorsement may help with independents, it is not going to help Romney much with GOP primary-voting conservatives, many of which distrust McCain almost as much as they distrust Romney. And where Romney is struggling the most is with conservatives.

  2. A good observation, Josh. But I think you will find that Romney will be picking up additional conservative endorsements as well. I do expect Huckabee to endorse Romney soon.
