Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christie Announces Agreements With Two NJ Unions

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced Friday that the membership of two state public employee negotiating units have ratified a four-year contract that appropriately holds salary increases to a level which recognizes the state’s fiscal realities and continuing budget constraints.

The negotiated settlement with the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), AFL-CIO Local 195, and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 518, was ratified Thursday by a large majority, clearing the way for a new labor contract retroactive to July 1, 2011. Both union locals are covered under one contract.

“I appreciate the union membership’s recognition of the fiscal realities we continue to face as we work to bring New Jersey state government back to a stable, sustainable and affordable path,” said Governor Christie. “Just as in the private sector, public employees have had to face these economic realities.”

The across-the-board salary increases in the ratified agreement, which were first announced in December, are as follows: July 1, 2011 – 0 percent; July 1, 2012 – 0 percent; July 1, 2013 – 1 percent , and July 1, 2014 – 1.75 percent. As Governor Christie has previously noted, he has similar expectations from the other public employee unions with which the Administration continues to negotiate labor contracts , the largest being the Communications Workers of America, representing approximately 35,000 state employees.

IFPTE represents approximately 4,900 state employees throughout departments in the executive branch and at state colleges, with job titles falling into the categories of operations, maintenance and services; crafts (mechanics, engineers, plumbers, etc.); and inspection and security. SEIU represents approximately 190 employees at the state Motor Vehicle Commission. Together IFPTE/SEIU represents the third-largest state employee civilian negotiations unit.

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