Friday, January 13, 2012

Christie Honors, Memorializes Alex DeCroce

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today signed Executive Order 85, honoring and memorializing the life of Assembly Republican Leader Alex DeCroce following his unexpected passing on Monday, January 9, 2011. On Tuesday, January 17, flags will be flown at half-staff in special recognition of his contributions to the state, people, and culture of New Jersey.

During his remarks to the New Jersey Legislature on Tuesday, January 10, Governor Christie honored Assemblyman DeCroce’s contributions to the State of New Jersey as an elected official and native son:

“Perhaps his greatest accomplishments were personal. In a business that is sometimes rough and tumble and replete with broken commitments, he was one of the kindest, most gentle and most trustworthy people I have ever known. Due to all of these extraordinary traits, you couldn’t find anyone, on either side of the aisle, that didn’t like Alex DeCroce.

“He was a friend to all of us – regardless of our position, regardless of our party, regardless of our station in life, regardless of whether the political winds were at our back or squarely in our face. Alex was a man who understood loyalty. When you were his friend, you were his friend—regardless of whether he thought it helped him or hurt him politically. Having caused him both over the years, believe me, I speak from experience.

“He was dedicated, honest and down to earth. A source of advice. A source of insight. A source of consolation for friends, and the object of admiration even from political adversaries.”

For a complete listing of Governor Christie’s Executive Orders, please visit:

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