Monday, January 9, 2012

Christie: Obama's 'Anger' Is Faked

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie thinks President Obama is faking it.
He thinks Obama's merely pretending to be angry (at any one of a number of phony campaign targets) because he knows that he American people are angry and he wants to redirect all this anger.
Yesterday, Christie called Obama the “most pessimistic man I’ve ever seen” and said he is faking anger to win reelection.
Christie, appearing alongside GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney at a campaign rally at a high school in New Hampshire, accused the president of a cynical effort to redirect the anger of the American people by appearing angry himself.
“I have a suggestion for the president: He doesn’t do angry well,” Christie said. “He understands that the American people are angry and they’re scared and they’re worried about the future. So he’s decided, in the most cynical reelection strategy that you could ever think of, that he doesn’t care if you’re angry, he just wants you to be angry at somebody else.”
BTW: Governor Christie has been drawing THOUSANDS to his appearances for Romney in New Hampshire.

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