Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christie Signs Many Bills, Lets Others Expire

Yesterday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took action on the following legislation from the 214th Legislative Session:


S-59/A-2440 (Cardinale, Weinberg/Vandervalk, Schroeder, Vainieri Huttle Wagner) – Creates bistate commission to coordinate management and flood prevention of waterways flowing between Bergen County, NJ and Rockland County, NY

S-264/A-3224 (Van Drew, Connors, Girgenti/Milam, Albano, Rumpf, Scalera) – Implements recommendations of the Assembly Coastal New Jersey Evacuation Task Force

S-299/A-4170 (Allen, Baroni/Conaway, Conners, Benson) -  Authorizes marriage and entry into a civil union by proxy for certain persons serving overseas in the Armed Forces or National Guard

S-374/A-977 (Weinberg, Gordon/Johnson, Vainieri Huttle, Schaer) – Permits alternative annual reorganization meeting date for county political committees if regular date coincides with period of religious observance

S-516/A-3170 (Weinberg, Stack/Vainieri Huttle, Benson, Johnson) - Authorizes central municipal court to hear cases brought by county office of consumer affairs

S-941/A-3940 (Bateman, Singer/Jasey) -  Clarifies informed consent provisions of “Access to Medical Research Act” for persons with developmental disabilities

S-958wGR/A-1088 (Vitale, Weinberg/Gusciora, Johnson, Coughlin) – Permits limited pharmacy sales of syringes and needles without a prescription

S-1217/A-2408 (Weinberg, Van Drew/Lampitt, Milam, Albano, Johnson, Angelini) - Reduces number of reports and publications printed by State; provides for most to be available primarily on Internet; requires notice of availability of reports and publications.

S-1358/A-161 (Oroho, Allen/McHose, Conners, Chiusano) – Establishes task force to study treatment of veterans diagnoses with post traumatic stress disorder in judicial proceedings

S-1395/A-2563 (Weinberg, Ruiz/Vainieri Huttle, Quigley) – Concerns gender equity in the workplace

SCS for S-1406wGR/A-2502 (B. Smith, Bateman/Chivukula, DeAngelo, Lampitt,  Gusciora Vainieri Huttle, Diegnan) – Establishes “New Jersey Property Assessment Clean Energy (NJ PACE) Municipal Financing Program”

S-1834/A-2666 (Weinberg, Gill/Vainieri Huttle, Greenstein, Munoz, Ramos) – Requires health insurers to cover oral anticancer mediations on no less favorable basis than intravenous anticancer medications

S-1988/A-3846 (Sarlo, Kyrillos/Johnson, Singleton, Moriarty) – Phases out cosmetic medical procedure gross receipts tax

S-2145/A-1816 (Allen/Casagrande, Angelini) – Provides for certain requirements concerning Independent Health Care Appeals Program

S-2282/A-3100 (Weinberg/Johnson, Spencer, Bramnick) – Requires inmates be provided with comprehensive medical discharge summary before release

S-2411/A-3484 (Norcross, Ruiz/ Caputo) – Permits appointment of certain EMT’s laid off for reasons of economy to vacant paid positions

S-2422wGR (Turner, Sacco) - Modifies provisions of municipal ordinance requiring bond or other security from landlord

S-2576wGR/A-3313 (Gordon, Greenstein, Bateman/Wagner, Gusciora, Vainieri Huttle, Conaway, Ramos) -  Prohibits drilling technique of hydraulic fracturing

SCS for S-2599, 2763/ACS for A-3700, 3934 (Gil, Allen, Weinberg, Beck/Spencer, Vainieri Huttle, Coutinho, Quijano, Tucker) - Requires services be provided for sexually exploited juveniles charged with certain offenses; creates an affirmative defense regarding prostitution

S-2767/A-3907 (Whelan, O’Toole/Burzichelli, Milam, Albano, Polistina) – Reduces membership of Casino Control Commission from five to three

S-2825/A-3972 (Beck, S. Kean/Casagrande, O’Scanlon) – Allows Eatontown, Oceanport, and Tinton Falls mayors to designate council member to represent them as members of Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority

S-2850/A-4442 (Van Drew, Whelan/Milam, Albano, Wolfe, Amodeo) – Exempts beach bars, amusement parks and carnival amusement rides from noise restrictions of “Noise Control Act of 1971” during certain time periods and subject to certain conditions

S-2989wGR/A-3949 (Codey, Van Drew/Chivukula, Mainor, Riley) – Exempts certain collocations of wireless equipment from site plan approval

S-3038/A-4371 (Vitale, Madden/Cryan, Benson, Johnson) – Restores eligibility of New Jersey Health ACCESS recipients for NJ FamilyCare effective August 1, 2011

S-3052wGR/A-4336 (Whelan, Sarlo/Benson, Coutinho, Singleton, DeAngelo) – Establishes Small Business Loan Program in EDA allowing certain small businesses to be eligible for low interest rate loans of up to $250,000 to expand their businesses

S-3156/ACS for A-4335 (Sarlo, Oroho/Coutinho, Greenwald, DeCroce, McHose)– Extends validity of wastewater service area and sewer service area designation, and revises certain aspects of wastewater management planning process

S-3166/A-4432 (Lesniak, Oroho/Cryan, Chiusano, Quijano, McHose) – Prohibits soliciting of campaign contributions on any public property by elective public office candidates; prohibits persons from making contributions to such candidates on any public property

S-3172/A-4436 (Sweeney Burzichelli, Wisniewski, Riley) – Permits direct shipping by wineries and creates Out-of-State winery license

S-3185/A-4338 (Whelan, Beck/Burzichelli, Dancer, Casagrande) – Extends deadline for licensing of certain off-track wagering facilities that remain to be established

S-3186/A-4437 (Madden, Sarlo/Egan, Singleton) - Changes trigger for certain extended unemployment benefits

A-387wGR/SCS for S-1735 (Barnes, Diegnan, Greenstein, Stender, Ramos, Green/Vitale, Gordon) – Increases specialized care nursing facility beds for persons with Huntington’s Disease

A-1050/S-184 (Quijano, Wisniewski/Scutari) – Upgrades offenses of engaging in unauthorized practice of law; creates civil action; provides that persons convicted of the offenses are barred from appointment as a notary public

A-1120 /S-3192 (Evans, Jasey, Tucker/Rice, Turner) – Requires insurers to cover treatment for sickle cell anemia; requires DHSS to provide information to public about sickle cell anemia

A-1400/S-2060 (Carroll, Biondi, Bucco, Stender/Scutari, Vitale) – Provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns to the “American Red Cross-NJ Fund”

A-1448wGR – Prohibits manufacture or sale of reflective glass beads with high arsenic content; prohibits DOT and State’s toll road authorities from using paint mixed with reflective glass beads for roadway markings

ACS for A-1633, 2509/S-540 (Wagner, Vandervalk, Gusciora, Ramos/T. Kean, Van Drew) – Authorizes the court to include provisions for animals in domestic violence restraining orders

A-2405/S-2092 (Lampitt, Diegnan, Coughlin/Beach, Greenstein) – Directs each institution of higher education to develop and coordinate a comprehensive disaster preparedness plan

A-2464wGR/S-1783 (Burzichelli, Quijano/Oroho, Addiego) – Requires all State agency rules be published in NJ Register, and prohibits use of regulatory guidance documents except under certain circumstances

A-2528/S-2344 (Chivukula, Quijano/B. Smith, Beck) – Establishes credit for commercial or industrial ratepayers against societal benefits charge for costs of certain products or services

A-2565/S-88 (Diegnan, Quijano/Rice, Greenstein) – Revises law relating to title recordation

A-2665/A-3184 (Riley/Norcross, Milam) – Clarifies and extends law concerning labeling of farm products; increases penalties for violations; repeals R.S.4:10-15

A-2872/S-2971 (Chivukula/B. Smith) – Regulates imposition of standby charges upon distributed generation customers

A-3138/S-2445 (Wisniewski, Coughlin/Vitale) w/Statement- Appropriates $1.047 million in 2003 bond act monies for Sayreville flood control project

A-3366/S-3164 (Barnes, Riley, Quijano, Burzichelli/Sarlo, Norcross) - Directs BPU to establish online process for submission of required documents by BPU regulated and licensed entities

A-3537/S-2444 (Coughlin, Diegnan, Pou/Vitale Sarlo) - Requires certain owners of foreclosed property to file contact information with municipality and common interest community

A-3688wGR/S-2728 (Wilson, Riley, Quijano, Vainieri Huttle, Jasey/Norcross, Whelan, Ruiz) – Authorizes Department of Agriculture to implement mobile fresh produce markets for residents of urban “food desert” communities

A-3971/S-3110 (Coughlin, Benson/Vitale, Gill) – Prohibits municipal library trustees from transferring donated funds to municipality

A-3980/S-3159 (Stender, DeAngelo, Quijano/Scutari, Greenstein) – Provides updated procedures for disposition of Sate surplus computers and certain other electronic devices designated for redistribution, sale, or disposal

A-3991wGR/S-2978 (Chivukula, Johnson/Whelan) – Provides exception from BPU standards for construction and installation of certain solar and photovoltaic electric generation equipment on utility poles by electric public utilities

A-4182/S-3016 (Quijano, Chivukula, Evans/Weinberg, Greenstein) – Provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns to support the Girl Scouts councils in New Jersey

ACS for A-4285/S-3115 (Burzichelli, Caputo, Wagner/Sweeney, Beck) – Directs New Jersey Racing Commission to implement pilot program for State-owned racetrack purchaser or lessee to establish electronic terminals for wagering on horse races at qualified taverns, restaurants, and similar establishments under one issued license

A-4340/S-3187 (Caputo, Tucker, Wilson/Turner, Rice) – Implements provision of “Urban and Rural Centers Unsafe Buildings Demolition Bond Act”; appropriates $7,403,340

A-4374/S-3125 (Prieto, Giblin, Fuentes/Gill, T. Kean) – Revises statutes concerning crematories and the cremation of human remains

ACS for A-4385/S-3113 (Burzichelli, Caputo, Wagner, Moriarty/Lesniak, Van Drew) – Permits wagering at casinos and racetracks on certain professional and collegiate sports or athletic events

A-4403/S-3181 (Ryan, Johnson/Sarlo, Ruiz) – Eliminates the term “mentally defective” from the Criminal Code

AJR-23/SJR-50 (Evans, Vainieri Huttle, Gordon) – Designates March of each year as “Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month”
AJR-89/SJR-77 (Quigley, DeCroce/Weinberg, Vitale) – Memorializes Congress to seek withdrawal of United States Preventive Service Task Force recommendation against prostate-specific antigen-based screening for prostate cancer


S-317/A-3990 (Codey, Rice/Green, Egan) - Requires contracting units and boards of education to credit contractors with interest earned on certain funds withheld from payment to contractors
S-445/A-1902 (Turner/Gusciora) – Requires vehicle registration to contain issue date

SCS for S-463/ACS for A-915 (B. Smith, Buono/Chivukula, Ramos, Johnson, Quijano)  – Authorizes creation of local renewable energy collaborative and central renewable energy generation systems, and provides for sale of renewable power generation

SCS for S-668, 1718/A-3337 (Buono, Turner, T. Kean/McKeon, Lampitt, Diegnan, Evans) - Allows gross income tax deductions for contributions to the New Jersey Better Educational Savings Trust (NJBEST) Program

S-834/A-2454 (Codey, Oroho/Vainieri Huttle, Coutinho, Spencer, Caputo, Evan) - Establishes measures to deter steroid use among students

S-1249 (Rice, Haines) - Requires municipalities eligible for Special Municipal Aid to submit budgets for special improvement districts and municipal public benefit corporation for DCA review, requires State Comptroller conduct audits of municipalities receiving aid

S-1531/A-2257) Rice/Spencer, Coutinho, Tucker) – Authorizes waiver of license revocation process for certain child support obligors

S-1570/A-4109 (Turner, Rice/Vainieri Huttle, Ramos, Tucker) – Establishes three categories for investigative findings of allegations of child abuse or neglect, and requires DCF to track and report certain unfounded cases that subsequently are substantiated

SCS for S-2100/A-2499 (Sweeney, Ruiz/Moriarty, Barnes, Addiego, Vainieri Huttle, Greenstein) – Prohibits new employees of certain organizations from enrolling in State-administered retirement system or health care plan of public employer

SS for S-2108/ACS for A-3124 (B. Smith, Bateman/Quijano, McKeon) – Clarifies liability for discharges of hazardous substances from drilling platforms that enter NJ waters

S-2232/A-3527 (Van Drew/Milam, Albano, Coughlin) – Permits chief financial officer to recommend reduced appropriation for reserve for uncollected taxes in certain circumstances

S-2316/ACS for A-4430, 2190 (Scutari, Cardinale/Munoz, Singleton, Barnes, Bramnick, Ramos, Stender) – Bars solicitation of professional employment for 30 days after date of accident or disaster under certain circumstances

S-2434/A-3507 (Van Drew, Allen/Albano, Milam, Tucker, Benson) – Requires Governor notify local governments to fly United States and State flags at half-staff upon death of member of Armed Forces or Untied Sates or National Guard who was State resident

S-2707/A-3987 (Weinberg, Vitale/Quijano) – Permits attending advanced practice nurse to determine cause of death and execute death certification when physician is not available

S-2771/A-3895 (Norcross, S. Kean/Diegnan, Amodeo, Prieto, Wisniewski) – Requires periodic inspection of exterior walls of certain buildings

S-2780/ACS for A-4099, 3909 (Vitale/Conaway, Benson, Coughlin, Ramos) – Requires surgical practices to be licensed by DHSS as ambulatory care facilities

S-2868/A-3961 (Sweeney, Burzichelli, Riley) – Provides supplemental appropriation of $4.141 million from Property Tax Relief Fund to DOE for aid to school districts with significant enrollment growth

S-2888/A-3893 (B. Smith/Chivukula, McKeon) – Establishes uniform real property taxation for commercial renewable energy systems and limits municipal construction permit fees for non-commercial renewable energy systems

S-2932/A-4302 (Buono, Bucco/Wisniewski) – Concerns the sale of portable electronics insurance and licensing of limited lines insurance producers for that purpose

S-3054/A-4342 (Sweeney, Greenstein/Lampitt) – Extends certain business tax credit programs to the gross income tax

S-3072/A-4341 (Madden, Buono/Lampitt, Benson, Singleton) – Directs New Jersey Economic Development Authority and Commission on Higher Education to promote the establishment of higher education and business partnerships

S-3089/A-4309 (Norcross/Wilson, Fuentes) – Establishes New Jersey Food Access Initiative; funds initiative with certain sales tax revenue from urban enterprise zones for five years

A-917/S-1780 (Chivukula, Lampitt/Beach, Gordon)  – Requires State to use energy-efficient outdoor lighting fixtures

A-1080/S-2968 (Gusciora, Watson Coleman, Wagner/Turner) -  Establishes that vacant permit parking spaces normally reserved for NJT train passengers are available for general public use during off-peak times

A-1463/S-1080 (Wisniewski, Rible, Russo/A.R. Bucco, Norcross) – Requires designated fire command structure in municipal emergency operations plans involving mutual aid responses to fires

A-2129/S-1336 (Chivukula, McHose, Burzichelli/Sarlo, Van Drew) – Expands scope of New Jersey Regulatory Flexibility Act dealing with economic impact of rules on small businesses

A-2727/S-1978 (Johnson, Vainieri Huttle, Quijano/Weinberg, Norcross,) – Establishes online portal for acceptance of donations to certain funds to which contributions may be made on gross income tax returns

A-2769/S-2552 (Cryan, Bramnick/Whelan, Oroho) – Provides that subcontractors who furnish non-specialty trade work shall not be named in local public bid documents

A-3142/S-2445 (Chivukula, Wilson, Fuentes Quijano/B. Smith, Bateman) - Directs BPU to establish standards concerning local government renewable energy generation demonstration projects utilizing renewable energy technologies

A-3158/S-2375 - (Vainieri Huttle, Diegnan, Greenstein/Weinberg, Buono) – Establishes NJ Task Force on Coordination Among Nonprofit Social Service Organizations

A-3167/S-2278 (Coughlin, Wagner, Conners, Prieto/Vitale, Whelan) - Authorizes zero-interest loans to local governments for certain brownfield remediations; changes priorities for financial assistance from Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund

A-3309/S-3058 (Wisniewski, Lampitt, Coutinho/Stack) – Expands education requirements for special learner’s and examination permits

A-3397/S-2459 (Watson Coleman, Gusciora/Turner, Greenstein) – Regulates deed procurement services

A-3633/S-3007 (Jasey, McKeon/Bateman, Gordon) – Requires plans, specifications, and bid proposal documents for certain local public contracts to address soil contamination

A-3694 /S-2917 (Lampitt, Giblin/Greenstein, Ruiz)– Permits institutions of higher education to make supplemental contributions to ABP

A-3723/S-2979 (Quijano, Casagrande, Jasey/Scutari) – Clarifies trustee’s discretionary authority concerning income tax liability

ACS for A-3806/SCS for S-2811 (Stender, McKeon, Singleton/Smith, Allen) – Revises definition of class I renewable energy to include energy produced by certain geothermal heat pumps

A-3920/S-2984 (Conaway, Conners, Ramos/Vitale, Whelan)  – Requires health care facilities to offer influenza vaccination to their health care workers

A-4048/S-2902 (Evans, Chivukula, Mainor, O’Donnell, Amodeo, Quijano, Casagrande, Ramos/A.R. Bucco, Sweeney) – Provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns to support NJ SHARES

A-4337/S-3079 (Coutinho, Singleton/Madden, Oroho) – Creates New Jersey Business Action Center; requires center to provide competitive intelligence information to certain businesses

A-4366/S-3190 (Greenwald, Caputo, Quijano, Burzichelli/Scutari) – Authorizes annulments of marriage and civil unions without cause within 30 days of the ceremony; eliminates waiting period for marriage and civil union licenses; and increases fees for such licenses

A-4389/S-3139 (Greenwald, DeAngelo/Beach, Turner) - Permits registered voters to receive mail-in ballots automatically for all elections under certain conditions; limits number of sample ballots transmitted to each residence

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