Friday, January 20, 2012

Christie's Tax Cut Plan Gets High Marks!

What They Are Saying …
About Governor Christie’s “Bold, Courageous” Tax Relief Proposal

Business Leaders

New Jersey Chamber of Commerce: 
“The governor's message is simple and direct. We are going to get New Jersey back to greatness. The business community has felt the turnaround in New Jersey's business climate and the governor has challenged us to accelerate the momentum. We need to embrace that, and start immediately.” (New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Press Release, 1/17/12)

·         “What better way to kick-start than to reduce taxes 10 percent across the board, which is a bold, courageous initiative to help set us apart from our competitor states.” (New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, Press Release, 1/17/12)

·         “The governor has a plan that can't be achieved without leadership. We have a great leader and we have a strong Legislature, both of whom have proven they can work in a bipartisan, collaborative manner. It is now up to us, the business community, to work with the administration and the Legislature to help execute the plan.” (New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, Press Release, 1/17/12)

National Federation of Independent Business State Director Laurie Ehlbeck: “This is a major priority for small businesses in New Jersey because they pay the highest income in the region.” (National Federation of Independent Business, Press Release, 1/17/12)

·         “The Governor clearly understands that the personal income tax is really a small business tax, and that it has to be lower if we’re going to be competitive. … We’re not built for competition with a tax rate that is higher than anywhere in America.” (National Federation of Independent Business, Press Release, 1/17/12)

·         “This is a great signal to the business community that New Jersey values hard work and that its leaders want people to keep more of the money they earn.” (National Federation of Independent Business, Press Release, 1/17/12)

·         “This is going to stimulate the economy, and it’s going to generate a lot of interest in New Jersey as a place to do business … Nothing will stimulate the economy more than letting everyone who earns a paycheck to keep more of their own money.” (National Federation of Independent Business, Press Release, 1/17/12)

Chamber Of Commerce Southern New Jersey: 
First, we support the Governor’s proposal to reduce taxes for all taxpayers, including for top and low income earners. His proposal to reduce the State Income Tax rate by 10 percent – equally and across the board, including for ‘job creators’ – is now possible because of the tough decisions that were made to reduce expenses.” (Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey, Press Release, 1/17/12)

Meadowlands Regional Chamber Of Commerce Chief Executive Jim Kirko: For businesses, its all about momentum, and continuity and consistency of message … The idea of building on the momentum already established with a tax cut is proof of the continued commitment.” (John Reitmeyer & Hugh Morley, “Christie Proposes Income Tax Cuts In State Of The State,” The Record, 1/28/12)

New Jersey Business & Industry Association: “Governor Christie’s bold plan to cut New Jersey’s income tax rates for all New Jerseyans will boost the state’s economy and encourage businesses to expand and create jobs for New Jersey workers.” (New Jersey Business & Industry Association, Press Release, 1/17/12)

·         “The Governor understands that putting more money in the hands of the private sector will generate the jobs and economic activity we need to not only solve our current fiscal problems, but also put us on a path to be an economic powerhouse again.” (New Jersey Business & Industry Association, Press Release, 1/17/12)

·         “NJBIA looks forward to working with the Governor and the Legislature in a bipartisan manner to build on the solid foundation they have already laid for business to grow and succeed in New Jersey.”(New Jersey Business & Industry Association, Press Release, 1/17/12)

Commerce And Industry Association of New Jersey President John Galandak: “People know that it’s a new day here in New Jersey and business is welcome. This administration is continuing to try to reduce costs. By building on that momentum, people are continuing to take New Jersey seriously and they are more likely to start a business here and grow and expand.” (Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey, Press Release, 1/18/12)

·         “The debate is over whether tax cuts, are a stimulus or whether additional taxes are the path to restore New Jersey’s economy. This governor has staked out the belief that reduced taxes are the path to recovery, and we agree.” (Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey, Press Release, 1/18/12)


West New York Mayor Felix Roque (D): “Over the last two years Governor Christie has accomplished what decades of previous administrations have failed to do – make good on promises to get New Jersey’s fiscal house in order. Tough decisions and forthright leadership under Governor Christie have put our state in the position to deliver tax relief to all New Jerseyans, including a 10% income tax cut and a restoration of the Earned Income Tax Credit. This is what progress looks like. This is the New Jersey comeback we have been waiting for. Now it’s up to both Republicans and Democrats to keep up the momentum and finish the job.”

Old Bridge Mayor Owen Henry (R): “If there was any doubt that Governor Christie’s common sense reform are paying dividends for the people of New Jersey, today’s announcement of real tax relief for every New Jersey family should end the debate. Two years of hard work and tough decisions has put the Garden State back on track and poised to make even greater gains in the coming years. It has not been easy and it took shared sacrifice, but it is now clear that the Governor has put us on the right path. Now, leaders of both parties need to buckle down and get back to the work of improving this state for all New Jerseyans.”

Harrison Mayor Raymond McDonough (D): 
“Governor Christie’s announcement of a 10% income tax cut and a restoration of the Earned Income Tax Credit clearly shows what two years of hard work and tough decisions can deliver for the people of New Jersey. After years of fiscal irresponsibility and inheriting a $13 billion budget deficit, Governor Christie’s leadership has finally put the Garden State back on the right path, but it cannot stop here. The New Jersey comeback is underway and to keep it going both Republicans and Democrats need to join Governor Christie in taking on the next big challenges facing New Jersey.”

Manalapan Mayor Susan Cohen (R): “Very few elected officials make good on their campaign promises, but as the last two years and a 10% income tax cut and a restoration of the Earned Income Tax credit is proof Governor Chris Christie is making good on his. Despite facing both the political and economic baggage of failed previous administrations, Governor Christie’s common sense reforms are delivering real results. It is no coincidence that over 60,000 private sector jobs have been added and unemployment is down from 9.8% to 9.1% or that this year, property tax growth was at the lowest level in 20 years. This is the New Jersey comeback, and it is now to continue acting on the Governor’s agenda to keep us moving in the right direction."

Dennis Township Mayor Eugene Glembocki (R): “For decades the state of New Jersey lived under the cloud of failed administrations and for decades the people of this state have paid the price for this failure. Today’s announcement of tax relief for every single New Jerseyan is not just proof that our state is finally out from under this cloud of prior failures, but that Governor Christie’s strong leadership and common sense reforms are working. After two years of hard work and tough decisions, unemployment is down from 9.8% to 9.1% and this year, and property tax growth was at the lowest level in two decades. This is the New Jersey comeback and it is up to both Republicans and Democrats to keep it moving forward.”

Manchester Mayor Mike Fressola (R): “Governor Christie was elected to do the big things – to take on the problems that other administrations had failed to do and over the last two years he has done exactly that. By delivering a 10% income tax cut and a restoration of the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Governor is clearly showing what two years of hard work and making the tough decisions can do for the people of this state. But this is just the beginning. The New Jersey comeback is here but to keep it moving forward progress cannot take a back seat to partisanship. Both parties must work with Governor Christie to continue solving the biggest problems that facing New Jersey.”

Galloway Township Mayor Don Purdy (R): “After two years of hard work and tough decisions, New Jersey is finally turning the corner and Governor Christie’s common sense reforms are the driving force behind this resurgence. Today’s announcement that the decisions and bipartisan progress of the past two years are getting results is the good news that all New Jerseyans deserve. A 10% income tax cut and a restoration of the Earned Income Tax Credit will not only provide immediate help to every single New Jersey family but it sends a clear signal that the Garden State is moving in the direction of lower taxes, more efficient government and affordability.”

Perth Amboy Mayor Wilda Diaz (D): “Governor Christie promised to get New Jersey back on track and after two years of hard work and tough decisions, New Jersey is seeing progress. Now the people of our state will begin to feel the reward as well with a 10% income tax cut and a restoration of the Earned Income Tax Credit. The New Jersey Comeback is a reality, and to keep it that way both Republicans and Democrats must continue working together and place the welfare of this state above partisan ideology.”

Egg Harbor Township Mayor James McCullough (R): “Getting New Jersey back on track was not easy, but after two years of Governor Christie’s principled and forthright leadership, the Garden State is clearly headed in the right direction. Private sector job creation, along with today’s 10% income tax cut and a restoration of the Earned Income Tax Credit, are the rewards for embracing common sense reforms and fighting the ideological gridlock that has plagued Trenton for years. But now it is not the time to rest on our laurels – now is the time to press ahead. Both parties need to pledge to continue to work together in the same bipartisan spirit that has begun our comeback.”

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