Thursday, January 19, 2012

Defiant:, 'Catholic' School Hosts Abortion Rts. Guest

Last week, The Cardinal Newman Society reported that Scranton University is hosting a former Congresswoman and advocate of abortion rights on campus to help train women to run for public office. On Tuesday, The Cardinal Newman Society sent the report to more than 90,000 online members.

Now, the Diocese of Scranton has issued a statement saying Bishop Joseph Bambera specifically requested the Jesuit university to withdraw the invitation but they’ve refused.

Bishop Bambera called the college’s decision “dismaying” and “personally disheartening.” He said:

“The gravity of this issue speaks to the heart and substance of who we are as Christians. Because of the incarnation of Christ, every human life has value and worth. As Christians, we must be committed to defending human life at every age and every stage from conception to natural death.”

“Although a forum such as this, designed to support and encourage women to engage in public service, is by its nature good and noble, for a Catholic institution in the Diocese of Scranton to invite a pro-abortion advocate to speak at a University sponsored event is dismaying and personally disheartening to me. And to do so within days of the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., is particularly demoralizing.”

According to the diocesan statment, University officials said that their invitation to former Philadelphia area Congresswoman Marjorie Margolies was not an endorsement of her personal views. But the diocese said that the inclusion of Ms. Margolies in a University sponsored program has created “concern and confusion” among members of the Christian faithful.

The diocese said that the University’s charge as a Catholic institution of higher learning has been “compromised.”

The keynote lecturer for The Ready to Run Campaign Training for Women program on January 28,2012, Marjorie Margolies, served in Congress from 1993 to 1995 and later, acted as director of a PAC committed to electing pro-abortion rights women.

Click here for more.

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