Monday, January 2, 2012

Fresh Fish? Hard To Top Bonefish Grill

Whenever we're traveling to waterside areas we like to frequent local fish houses and seafood restaurants. And we will certainly be doing that while here in southwest Florida on the beautiful gulf coast.
But last night we decided on Bonefish Grill.
Now, I must admit that the first time I went to a Bonefish Grill I was underwhelmed. I suppose it's because I heard so many good things about this chain that my expectations were high -- maybe too high.
But we decided to give the place another try, and then another, and then another. We wouldn't have done this if we weren't satisfied during subsequent visits.
The menu varies daily (and by location) and Bonefish Grill and every time you visit you'll find new additions and surprising selections.
Last night we started with the Bonefish hearts of palms salad (fresh and vibrant with a dash of citrus, though I do wish the hearts of palm had been a bit larger) and then we went on to a couple of delicious entrees: grilled shrimp and plump scallop with green beans and spaghetti squash and grilled grouper dressed with mango salsa and asparagus.
You can pick your own fish dressing (or dipping) at Bonefish and they will go out of their way to prepare dishes as you wish. So whether you like tangy or mild, it's here.
Sometimes when we visit one of these restaurants it's crowded and hectic. So we try to get there early or during off hours and we plan accordingly. We don't like to wait for extended periods or be caught in the midst of loud or raucous groups. It's not fun.
But last night the Bonefish Grill in Sarasota was full without being frantic. We chose a booth near the bar and were seated promptly.
The service was friendly, helpful and efficient.
And the prices at Bonefish are reasonable.
So, if you have a Bonefish Grill near you or if you're traveling and there's one nearby, don't pass it up.
Bonefish Grill is a consistent winner.

1 comment:

  1. A friend and I were at the home base Bonefish in Myrtle Beach. The owner felt our food was late in getting to us.(It wasn't) and paid for our entire meals and drink. We later found out he was the CEO.
    My wife and I have never had a bad meal in the Columbus, O. restaurant.
