Friday, January 13, 2012

Noonan: More And More, It Looks Like Romney

In the Wall Street Journal, the astute Peggy Noonan reports succinctly on the GOP presidential race in South Carolina and, she's hinting at a Romney victory. Here's an excerpt:
This is what you pick up about Mr. Romney in South Carolina: He is presentable, electable and a businessman. He knows what a spreadsheet is. He made money. He can help set up the circumstances where everyone else makes money too. And he is a conservative. He has the vibrations of a Massachusetts moderate—Newt isn't wrong about that—because he was a Massachusetts moderate. But now he holds conservative positions. He's not going to change them again, because you get only one chance to change in politics, not two. He is, therefore, perversely reliable. He's not going to get into the White House and announce: "By the way, I'm pro-choice again, ha." . . .
A full-throated, detailed defense of Bain that is also a defense of economic freedom and free markets might not only benefit Mr. Romney. It just might help valorize, or rather revalorize, the reputation of capitalism, which has taken a beating the past few years and not recovered. That, actually, might be a public service.
The Obama campaign wanted to launch its Bain attack in the fall. Mr. Romney can face the attack now, head on, and begin not inoculating himself from the issue but exhausting it.
Click here for more.

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