Monday, January 23, 2012

Kean: This Is A Proud Moment For New Jersey

New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean, Jr. (R- Union) issued the following statement in reaction to Governor Christie's nomination of Phillip Kwon and Bruce Harris to the New Jersey Supreme Court:
"Governor Christie has picked two nominees with impeccable legal credentials to serve on our state's highest court. Mr. Kwon has helped lead the fight on public corruption in New Jersey in the offices of the Attorney General and U.S. Attorney. Mr. Harris, a constituent with whom I had the pleasure of campaigning this past fall, comes from two of New Jersey's most prestigious and influential law firms. The most important qualification for a nominee to the Supreme Court is his or her skill and knowledge as an attorney. The Governor has found in Phillip Kwon and Bruce Harris two extraordinarily qualified members of the Bar to serve the people of this state."
"However, one also cannot help but appreciate the historic nature of these appointments in addition to the qualifications these men offer. If confirmed, New Jersey will have its first Asian-American and first openly-gay associate justices on the Court, as well as only the third African American. Their nominations speak truth to the idea that ours is a state where people from all walks of life can achieve the American dream."
"Today is a proud moment for New Jersey. I call on the Senate President to make good on his commitment from last year to hold swift confirmation proceedings for these two nominees."

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